Pop cakes pink & light blue with marshmallow fondant

pop cakes with marshmallow-sugarpaste coating and candy coating

General recipe for pop cakes:
All of us have a cake recipe at home ( see recipe : https://www.ev-cooking.gr/wp-admin/post.php?post=1475&action=edit), it is not necessary to find on the internet a specialized recipe for pop or cup cakes. We make a simple cake , which we crumble after it is bakied and cooled and add melted chocolate and butter until the dough can be formed into small balls ( see photo) . We put the balls in the fridge for about 2 hours and then dip a stick in melted chocolate and make a hole just below the our chocolate ball which we repositione in the fridge with head downw and stick up. Once the chocolate has cooled and the stick has been in the pop cake we stick them in a base of Styrofoam( see foto) or in cups without touching one another and dip them into melted white chocolate and pour candies on them. After they cool you can enjoy them.
Bon appetit !