Αpricot jam

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Recipe :

3kg apricot , ripe , with thin skin

3 kg of sugar

Cut the apricots in half and remove the kernels. Put the apricots and the sugar in a pot in layers, firstly the apricots, then sugar etc.. , the last layer is sugar and cover the pot with a lid and about 3 times in one day empty the syrup it comes out, in another pot carefully. Sugar dehydrates apricots .

In the evening we leave the pot with apricots covered and the other pot with the syrup also covered .

The morning bring the syrup to a boil to thicken and every so often remove the ”foam” and every now and then drip into a saucer of coffee some syrup to see how clotted it dropps , long before it comes out a thick candy syrup stop cooking .

If you can not understand when the ​​syrup is ready, then store the saucer coffee with 1 tablespoon of syrup in the refridgerator for 1/2 minute and then check if knots form when dripping.

Once the apricot syrup is ready then put the apricots into the syrup and let them boil removing the ”foam” again(see picture).

Then , pour the juice of 2 glasses with lemon juice , then continue skimming the ”foam” until syrup is ready .

Disinfect the glass jars and put the jam in but not being too hot so as not to break the vase . Let the jar with a half finger gap , cover the jar with a lid , preferably not plastic lid and turn the jar upside down until cool . Thus closed tight .

Then turn upright after they cool and store in refrigerator . For 1 year you can preserve it.

Bon appetit !

Cookies for Weddings with Sugarpaste







Recipe for Butter Cookies :

250 gr fresh cow butter
210 gr granulated sugar
1 organic egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla(natural)
300 gr all purpose flour
I put the ingredients into the mixer gradually ( wire – see photo ) at the maximum speed following the order I’ve written the ingredients above. When it’s the turn of the flour operate the mixer to 1 ( the lowest speed). Then remove the bucket from mixer and shut it down, place the bucket on your work surface and knead the ingredients by hand with soft movements , for the cookies not to go hard.
Form the dough into a round mass with the top and the buttom flat(see photo) and put it enclosed in a gelatin wrap with a plate in my fridge ( see photo) for at least 2 hours until frozen and when you want to roll it with a rolling pin cut the dough into pieces in a size you will need. The biscuits I have formed with any cookie cutter I want .
Then in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius bake your cookies in a pan ( after I first placed them onto the baking sheet ) and bake them for 10 minutes ( 5 minutes if they are the small size) on the middle rack of the oven until they turn up a very light color . (or depending on the strength of my oven )
The decoration on top is made with sugar paste in any desired color, roll it with the help of a small rolling pin and icing sugar to prevent sticking on your rolling surface . The rolled sugar paste cut it with the same cookie cutter that you used for eack cookie after having baked and cooled it(the cookie) , glue the sugarpaste onto your cookie with royal icing or if you do not have royal icing when you remove the cookies from the oven and are still hot place the formed sugar paste onto your cookie and it will attache on it.

Sugarpaste (white):
320 grams powdered sugar
4 grams edible gelatine without smell (for jellies, creams etc.and pastry in general)
2-3 soup spoons glucose syrup
36 ml. cold water
1/2 teaspoon liquid natural vanilla extract (for pastry use)
1 teaspoon cow butter (optionally), if we use cow butter, we only store the sugar paste in the fridge for 1 week top, wrapped in a plastic wrap.
Firstly, I deep the gelatine in the water for at least 5 min. to soften(it will not dissolve in water) and then I warm the gelatine in a pot with the same water I used before at low temperature and stir constantly until it melts, then I remove the pot from the heat and add the glucose syrup and keep stirring until it melts too. I also put the vanilla in the syrup and stir. In a glass bowl I mix the powdered sugar with the syrup with a spoon, because the syrup is HOT. And until it’s ok to touch the ”dough” I keep mixing with the spoon. When the ”dough” gets cold we knead it with our hands and last we also put the cow butter in. We keep kneading until the sugarpaste gets soft without being sticky on our hands, if it still sticks on our hands we add some more powdered sugar and keep kneading.

Bon appetit !

Pop cakes and lollipops


General recipe for pop cakes:
All of us have a cake recipe at home ( see recipe : https://www.ev-cooking.gr/wp-admin/post.php?post=1475&action=edit), it is not necessary to find on the internet a specialized recipe for pop or cup cakes. We make a simple cake , which we crumble after it is bakied and cooled and add melted chocolate and butter until the dough can be formed into small balls ( see photo) . We put the balls in the fridge for about 2 hours and then dip a stick in melted chocolate and make a hole just below the our chocolate ball which we repositione in the fridge with head downw and stick up. Once the chocolate has cooled and the stick has been in the pop cake we stick them in a base of Styrofoam( see foto) or in cups without touching one another and dip them into melted white chocolate and pour candies on them. After they cool you can enjoy them.
Bon appetit !

Cup cakes and biscuits for baptism


for cup cakes use the basic cake recipe below, baking the dough in the specialized cup cake pan (in parchment paper) in a preheated oven in 180 grad Celsius for 20-25 min. or depending on the power of your oven

Recipe for Butter Cookies :

250 gr fresh cow butter
210 gr granulated sugar
1 organic egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla(natural)
300 gr all purpose flour
I put the ingredients into the mixer gradually ( wire – see photo ) at the maximum speed following the order I’ve written the ingredients above. When it’s the turn of the flour operate the mixer to 1 ( the lowest speed). Then remove the bucket from mixer and shut it down, place the bucket on your work surface and knead the ingredients by hand with soft movements , for the cookies not to go hard.
Form the dough into a round mass with the top and the buttom flat(see photo) and put it enclosed in a gelatin wrap with a plate in my fridge ( see photo) for at least 2 hours until frozen and when you want to roll it with a rolling pin cut the dough into pieces in a size you will need. The biscuits I have formed with any cookie cutter I want .
Then in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius bake your cookies in a pan ( after I first placed them onto the baking sheet ) and bake them for 10 minutes ( 5 minutes if they are the small size) on the middle rack of the oven until they turn up a very light color . (or depending on the strength of my oven )
The decoration on top is made with sugar paste in any desired color, roll it with the help of a small rolling pin and icing sugar to prevent sticking on your rolling surface . The rolled sugar paste cut it with the same cookie cutter that you used for eack cookie after having baked and cooled it(the cookie) , glue the sugarpaste onto your cookie with royal icing or if you do not have royal icing when you remove the cookies from the oven and are still hot place the formed sugar paste onto your cookie and it will attache on it.
Sugarpaste (white):
320 grams powdered sugar
4 grams edible gelatine without smell (for jellies, creams etc.and pastry in general)
2-3 soup spoons glucose syrup
36 ml. cold water
1/2 teaspoon liquid natural vanilla extract (for pastry use)
1 teaspoon cow butter (optionally), if we use cow butter, we only store the sugar paste in the fridge for 1 week top, wrapped in a plastic wrap.
Firstly, I deep the gelatine in the water for at least 5 min. to soften(it will not dissolve in water) and then I warm the gelatine in a pot with the same water I used before at low temperature and stir constantly until it melts, then I remove the pot from the heat and add the glucose syrup and keep stirring until it melts too. I also put the vanilla in the syrup and stir. In a glass bowl I mix the powdered sugar with the syrup with a spoon, because the syrup is HOT. And until it’s ok to touch the ”dough” I keep mixing with the spoon. When the ”dough” gets cold we knead it with our hands and last we also put the cow butter in. We keep kneading until the sugarpaste gets soft without being sticky on our hands, if it still sticks on our hands we add some more powdered sugar and keep kneading.
Bon appetit !

Wedding pop cakes bride & groom


pop cakes groom and bride with sugarpaste coating, dark chocolate, candies and betel

General recipe for pop cakes:
All of us have a cake recipe at home ( see recipe : https://www.ev-cooking.gr/wp-admin/post.php?post=1475&action=edit), it is not necessary to find on the internet a specialized recipe for pop or cup cakes. We make a simple cake , which we crumble after it is baked and cooled and add in it melted chocolate and butter in equal proportions, until the dough can be formed into small balls ( see photo) . We put the balls in the fridge for about 2 hours and then dip a stick in melted chocolate and make a hole just below our chocolate ball which we reposition in the fridge with head down and stick up. Once the chocolate has cooled and the stick has been in the pop cake we stick them in a base of Styrofoam( see photo: https://www.ev-cooking.gr/pop-cakes-with-white-chocolate/) or in cups without touching one another and dip them into melted white chocolate and pour candies on them. After they cool you can enjoy them.
Bon Appetit !

Cup cakes and cookies for weddings


cup cakes and butter cookies with royal icing coating, sugarpaste and candies

Recipe for Butter Cookies :

250 gr fresh cow butter
210 gr granulated sugar
1 organic egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla(natural)
300 gr all purpose flour
I put the ingredients into the mixer gradually ( wire – see photo ) at the maximum speed following the order I’ve written the ingredients above. When it’s the turn of the flour operate the mixer to 1 ( the lowest speed). Then remove the bucket from mixer and shut it down, place the bucket on your work surface and knead the ingredients by hand with soft movements , for the cookies not to go hard.
Form the dough into a round mass with the top and the buttom flat(see photo) and put it enclosed in a gelatin wrap with a plate in my fridge ( see photo) for at least 2 hours until frozen and when you want to roll it with a rolling pin cut the dough into pieces in a size you will need. The biscuits I have formed with any cookie cutter I want .
Then in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius bake your cookies in a pan ( after I first placed them onto the baking sheet ) and bake them for 10 minutes ( 5 minutes if they are the small size) on the middle rack of the oven until they turn up a very light color . (or depending on the strength of my oven )
The decoration on top is made with sugar paste in any desired color, roll it with the help of a small rolling pin and icing sugar to prevent sticking on your rolling surface . The rolled sugar paste cut it with the same cookie cutter that you used for each cookie after having baked and cooled it(the cookie) , glue the sugarpaste onto your cookie with royal icing or if you do not have royal icing when you remove the cookies from the oven and are still hot place the formed sugar paste onto your cookie and it will attache on it.

Sugarpaste (white):
320 grams powdered sugar
4 grams edible gelatine without smell (for jellies, creams etc.and pastry in general)
2-3 soup spoons glucose syrup
36 ml. cold water
1/2 teaspoon liquid natural vanilla extract (for pastry use)
1 teaspoon cow butter (optionally), if we use cow butter, we only store the sugar paste in the fridge for 1 week top, wrapped in a plastic wrap.
Firstly, I deep the gelatine in the water for at least 5 min. to soften(it will not dissolve in water) and then I warm the gelatine in a pot with the same water I used before at low temperature and stir constantly until it melts, then I remove the pot from the heat and add the glucose syrup and keep stirring until it melts too. I also put the vanilla in the syrup and stir. In a glass bowl I mix the powdered sugar with the syrup with a spoon, because the syrup is HOT. And until it’s ok to touch the ”dough” I keep mixing with the spoon. When the ”dough” gets cold we knead it with our hands and last we also put the cow butter in. We keep kneading until the sugarpaste gets soft without being sticky on our hands, if it still sticks on our hands we add some more powdered sugar and keep kneading.

Bon appetit !

for cup cakes use the basic cake recipe below, baking the dough in the specialized cup cake pan (in parchment paper) in a preheated oven in 180 grad Celcius for 20-25 min. or depending on the power of your oven

Pop cakes pink & light blue with marshmallow fondant

pop cakes with marshmallow-sugarpaste coating and candy coating

General recipe for pop cakes:
All of us have a cake recipe at home ( see recipe : https://www.ev-cooking.gr/wp-admin/post.php?post=1475&action=edit), it is not necessary to find on the internet a specialized recipe for pop or cup cakes. We make a simple cake , which we crumble after it is bakied and cooled and add melted chocolate and butter until the dough can be formed into small balls ( see photo) . We put the balls in the fridge for about 2 hours and then dip a stick in melted chocolate and make a hole just below the our chocolate ball which we repositione in the fridge with head downw and stick up. Once the chocolate has cooled and the stick has been in the pop cake we stick them in a base of Styrofoam( see foto) or in cups without touching one another and dip them into melted white chocolate and pour candies on them. After they cool you can enjoy them.
Bon appetit !

Pop cakes with white chocolate coating

pop cakes with white chocolate coating and candies (it is not recommended for a hot summer period and in general over 15 degrees Celsius, because it melts.

General recipe for pop cakes:
All of us have a cake recipe at home ( see recipe : https://www.ev-cooking.gr/wp-admin/post.php?post=1475&action=edit), it is not necessary to find on the internet a specialized recipe for pop or cup cakes. We make a simple cake , which we crumble after it is bakied and cooled and add melted chocolate and butter until the dough can be formed into small balls ( see photo) . We put the balls in the fridge for about 2 hours and then dip a stick in melted chocolate and make a hole just below the our chocolate ball which we repositione in the fridge with head downw and stick up. Once the chocolate has cooled and the stick has been in the pop cake we stick them in a base of Styrofoam( see foto) or in cups without touching one another and dip them into melted white chocolate and pour candies on them. After they cool you can enjoy them.
Bon appetit !

Cup cakes with butter frosting

Cup cakes vanilla with butter frosting colorized with eatable paste and candies
The butter frosting contains cow butter, powdered sugar, vanilla and optionally a small quandity cream cheese- we can also melt white chocolate and mix it also in the mixer, when ready we store it in the fridge and using an icing bag with any tip we want for decorating our cakes. The usual proportion is 1 butter to 4 powdered sugar.

for cup cakes use the basic cake recipe below, baking the dough in the specialized cup cake pan (in parchment paper) in a preheated oven in 180 grad Celcius for 20-25 min. or depending on the power of your oven

Mini cup cakes with star sugarpaste

Sugarpaste (white):
320 grams powdered sugar
4 grams edible gelatine without smell (for jellies, creams etc.and pastry in general)
2-3 soup spoons glucose syrup
36 ml. cold water
1/2 teaspoon liquid natural vanilla extract (for pastry use)
1 teaspoon cow butter (optionally), if we use cow butter, we only store the sugar paste in the fridge for 1 week top, wrapped in a plastic wrap.
Firstly, I deep the gelatine in the water for at least 5 min. to soften(it will not dissolve in water) and then I warm the gelatine in a pot with the same water I used before at low temperature and stir constantly until it melts, then I remove the pot from the heat and add the glucose syrup and keep stirring until it melts too. I also put the vanilla in the syrup and stir. In a glass bowl I mix the powdered sugar with the syrup with a spoon, because the syrup is HOT. And until it’s ok to touch the ”dough” I keep mixing with the spoon. When the ”dough” gets cold we knead it with our hands and last we also put the cow butter in. We keep kneading until the sugarpaste gets soft without being sticky on our hands, if it still sticks on our hands we add some more powdered sugar and keep kneading.
Bon Appetit!

For mini cup cakes use the basic cake recipe below, baking the dough in the specialized mini cup cake pan (in parchment paper) in a preheated oven in 180 grad Celcius for 10-15 min. or depending on the power of your oven

White sugarpaste


Sugarpaste (white):
320 grams powdered sugar
4 grams edible gelatine
2-3 tablespoon glucose syrup
36 ml. water in room Temperature
1/2 teaspoon liquid natural vanilla extract (for pastry use)
1 teaspoon cow’s milk butter (optionally), if we use cow’s milk butter, we store the sugar paste in the fridge for 1 week, wrapped in parchment paper and afterwards in a plastic wrap.
Firstly, I deep the gelatine in the water for at least 5 min. to soften (it will not dissolve in water) and then I warm the gelatine in a pot with the same water I used before at low temperature and stir constantly until it melts, then I remove the pot from the heat and add the glucose syrup and keep stirring until it melts too. I also put the vanilla in the syrup and stir.

In a glass bowl I mix the powdered sugar with the syrup with a spoon, and not by hand, because the syrup is still hot. And until it’s ok to touch the ”dough” I keep mixing with the spoon. When the ”dough” gets cold we knead it with our hands and lastly we also put the cow’s milk butter in (optionally). We keep kneading until the sugarpaste gets soft without being sticky on our hands, if it still sticks n our hands we add some more powdered sugar and keep kneading. Store the sugarpaste in your fridge for 1 week.

Bon appetit !

meringues- light blue


4 egg whites
2 pinches of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon of pure, liquid, bitter almond extract (or pure vanilla extract-liquid)
200 grams of confectioners’ sugar
We beat the egg whites for 5 min in medium speed in our mixer with the whisk attachment and after that we add the salt and after 1-2 minutes we add the sugar gradually and when stiff ends form we add the vanilla extract. We pipe them with a pastry bag with a tip 16mm- Inox in any shape we want (for example see photo) and then bake them on a parchment paper, which we laid on a flat baking pan, in the middle rack, in a preheated oven in 95-100 degrees Celsius(depending on your oven) for 1,5 hour or until they are removed from parchment paper easily without leaving traces(pieces) back. When there is humidity outside(in rainy seasons) we bake them longer,other wise they melt easily) We let them cool for 4 hours and then store them in room temperature in a box for 5 days.




recipe :
Put the ingredients into the mixer in the following order :
125 grams butter
3 Tbsp sugar
4 egg yolks
250 gram milk
1 pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1-2 tbsp olive oil
250 gr all purpose flour
beating egg whites separately and integrate them into the mixture gently from top to bottom
We need a waffle machine, which you preheat and bake each scoop of dough for about 1 minute , maybe less , remove the waffle with a wooden spatula when it starts to become light brown.
Add on top powdered sugar or cinnamon or ice cream , praline and whipped cream or powdered sugar or any other combination desired.
Bon appetit !

Cookies for Baptism or for your kids’ parties




Recipe for Butter Cookies :

250 gr fresh cow butter
210 gr granulated sugar
1 organic egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla(natural)
300 gr all purpose flour
I put the ingredients into the mixer gradually ( wire – see photo ) at the maximum speed following the order I’ve written the ingredients above. When it’s the turn of the flour operate the mixer to 1 ( the lowest speed). Then remove the bucket from mixer and shut it down, place the bucket on your work surface and knead the ingredients by hand with soft movements , for the cookies not to go hard.
Form the dough into a round mass with the top and the buttom flat(see photo) and put it enclosed in a gelatin wrap with a plate in my fridge ( see photo) for at least 2 hours until frozen and when you want to roll it with a rolling pin cut the dough into pieces in a size you will need. The biscuits I have formed with any cookie cutter I want .
Then in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius bake your cookies in a pan ( after I first placed them onto the baking sheet ) and bake them for 10 minutes ( 5 minutes if they are the small size) on the middle rack of the oven until they turn up a very light color . (or depending on the strength of my oven )
The decoration on top is made with sugar paste in any desired color, roll it with the help of a small rolling pin and icing sugar to prevent sticking on your rolling surface . The rolled sugar paste cut it with the same cookie cutter that you used for eack cookie after having baked and cooled it(the cookie) , glue the sugarpaste onto your cookie with royal icing or if you do not have royal icing when you remove the cookies from the oven and are still hot place the formed sugar paste onto your cookie and it will attache on it.

Sugarpaste (white):
320 grams powdered sugar
4 grams edible gelatine without smell (for jellies, creams etc.and pastry in general)
2-3 soup spoons glucose syrup
36 ml. cold water
1/2 teaspoon liquid natural vanilla extract (for pastry use)
1 teaspoon cow butter (optionally), if we use cow butter, we only store the sugar paste in the fridge for 1 week top, wrapped in a plastic wrap.
Firstly, I deep the gelatine in the water for at least 5 min. to soften(it will not dissolve in water) and then I warm the gelatine in a pot with the same water I used before at low temperature and stir constantly until it melts, then I remove the pot from the heat and add the glucose syrup and keep stirring until it melts too. I also put the vanilla in the syrup and stir. In a glass bowl I mix the powdered sugar with the syrup with a spoon, because the syrup is HOT. And until it’s ok to touch the ”dough” I keep mixing with the spoon. When the ”dough” gets cold we knead it with our hands and last we also put the cow butter in. We keep kneading until the sugarpaste gets soft without being sticky on our hands, if it still sticks on our hands we add some more powdered sugar and keep kneading.
Bon appetit !





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