Αpricot jam

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Recipe :

3kg apricot , ripe , with thin skin

3 kg of sugar

Cut the apricots in half and remove the kernels. Put the apricots and the sugar in a pot in layers, firstly the apricots, then sugar etc.. , the last layer is sugar and cover the pot with a lid and about 3 times in one day empty the syrup it comes out, in another pot carefully. Sugar dehydrates apricots .

In the evening we leave the pot with apricots covered and the other pot with the syrup also covered .

The morning bring the syrup to a boil to thicken and every so often remove the ”foam” and every now and then drip into a saucer of coffee some syrup to see how clotted it dropps , long before it comes out a thick candy syrup stop cooking .

If you can not understand when the ​​syrup is ready, then store the saucer coffee with 1 tablespoon of syrup in the refridgerator for 1/2 minute and then check if knots form when dripping.

Once the apricot syrup is ready then put the apricots into the syrup and let them boil removing the ”foam” again(see picture).

Then , pour the juice of 2 glasses with lemon juice , then continue skimming the ”foam” until syrup is ready .

Disinfect the glass jars and put the jam in but not being too hot so as not to break the vase . Let the jar with a half finger gap , cover the jar with a lid , preferably not plastic lid and turn the jar upside down until cool . Thus closed tight .

Then turn upright after they cool and store in refrigerator . For 1 year you can preserve it.

Bon appetit !